How LAA+ Works
Below are the six stages to becoming a Louisiana A+ School. For more information, please contact us.
Step 1

Any Louisiana School (public, private, charter, elementary, middle, or high school) is invited to complete a Letter of Interest form to join the LAA+ network.
Once the Letter of Interest form has been submitted, the school's faculty and administration will have the option to either schedule a meeting between LAA+ staff and the leaders of the interested school, or have the school complete the first module, Arts Integration 101, in our online learning platform, A+U: Louisiana. This module will provide them with an in-depth look at A+, including the history, why we do what we do, and a brief introduction to arts integration.
step 2
Once the school's faculty and staff have all been properly informed about our organization and what we provide (Step 1), they must then hold an in-house vote to ensure that a minimum of 85% or more of their full-time faculty is committed to adopting arts integration and implementing A+. This includes all classroom and ancillary teachers.
With a completed vote of 85% agreeing to adopt arts integration, the school will complete and submit the application to become a member of the A+ network. 
Step 4
Ongoing Professional Development

Member schools will receive 3 years of evolving professional development in the implementation and integration of the Arts. These coaching sessions are customized by the A+ Fellows to meet the current needs of the school.
During the 5-day initial summer institute, either virtually or hybrid, A+ Fellows will instruct schools on how to effectively integrate the Arts into their curriculum by way of the eight A+ Essentials.
At least 85% of a school's staff must attend the training in order to achieve whole school transformation.
Read testimonials from teachers participating in our professional development workshops.
Step 5

After the first summer institute, member schools are functioning A+ Schools with access to the entire network of resources.
Schools collaborate around curriculum, mapping the instruction so that interdisciplinary concepts emerge that encourage cross-curricular integration, and the use of multiple intelligences to structure learning opportunities for students.
Schools are not considered fully implemented until having completed the three years of professional development training.
Click here for more information on professional development offered to our schools.
Step 3

School applications are reviewed by a selection committee comprised of LAA+ staff, board members and Fellows. Several factors are used to determine selection including need, the school's capacity to fully implement the program, and funding.
Once a school has been accepted into the network, LAA+ Staff will visit the school either in-person or virtually, to share more information about program participation and expectations, as well as gather important thoughts and insight from the school's staff/administration.
New schools are notified in the Spring and begin their LAA+ journey with a 5-day Summer Institute for their entire school faculty.
Step 6

As long as a school is a member of the network with a commitment to the A+ Essentials, they continue to receive annual leadership and new hire training either virtually or in-person. ​
Schools excelling in their commitment to the 8 Essentials may be nominated to become a Model School. LAA+ Model Schools are used to demonstrate effective implementation of the arts and are also provided additional opportunities for professional development.